
Forsterkeren solgt.

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4/7/2007 12:04:24 PM #1 av 2
Postet av: laitaboy
Kirksaeter høytalerene til salgs for 4000,- prisma300.jpg prisma300.jpg ( 27.2470703125 KB) Vist 1120 ganger Denon_AVC_A1__5721412.jpg Denon_AVC_A1__5721412.jpg ( 4.4072265625 KB) Vist 1115 ganger
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6/23/2007 10:39:22 PM #2 av 2
Postet av: laitaboy
Håndlagde norske høytalere i solid treverk.
Doble gullbelagte kabeltilkoblings-terminaler, såkalt Biwiring.

is “best in the test “ and “Lonely on the top” writes the magazine AUDIO/VIDEO, Oslo, Scandinavia, in their mammoth test of floor standing speakers. The secret is a unique 4-channal crossover frequency network connected to two entirely different midrange drivers. One, of conical fibre reproducing the soft slower midrange notes from violins etc. The other one, a large soft metal Dome, ballshaped and extreme fast, with the same sound characteristic as the metal instruments, disperse the upper middle range sound optimised into the room, so nobody will sit in the shadow of the music. To get the large metal Dome to be just as fast as the music, it is driven by a 2” voice coil in a 4” supermagnet that gives extra speed, cooling and power. PRICE $ 849,50 ea., wood $ 999,50 ea.

Selges for 4000,-
davidleitet@portalen.no prisma300.jpg prisma300.jpg ( 27.2470703125 KB) Vist 572 ganger
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