Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Endelig er Rotel på banen igjen med nye produkter. Nye effektforsterkere, hjemmekinoreceivere og ny hjemmekinoprosessor.
Må si jeg likte utsendet. Personlig syns jeg de nye effektforsterkerene virker spennende. Jeg er derimot litt skuffet da det virker som receiverne/prosessoren ikke har romkorreksjon. I tilegg syns jeg 4 HDMI innganger var litt lite.

North Reading, MA—August 28, 2008—For nearly five decades, home audio electronics manufacturer
Rotel has been known worldwide for creating components that deliver serious audio and video performance
at affordable prices. Now the multinational company has chosen September’s 2008 CEDIA Expo, in Denver,
CO, to debut an all new product range. The launch of the 15 Series will unveil a broad range of home
theater and custom-installation electronics sure to enhance Rotel’s already highly regarded reputation.
RSX 1550 – 7.1 channel Home Theater Receiver
“This is Rotel’s most important intro in many years,” says Rotel’s VP of Sales & Marketing, Doug
Henderson, “and while these new models incorporate a lot of the latest advanced technologies and include
some important refinements of Rotel’s unique amplifier design, the one thing they do not alter is our
company’s commitment to musical performance above all else.” Henderson concludes, “These new models
were conceived for the listener who truly and passionately cares about sound quality, first and foremost.”
Rotel’s new flagship 15 Series will introduce multichannel home theater receivers, a preamp-processor, and
power amplifiers, as well as power amplifiers designed exclusively for custom-installation. (Additional 2-
channel series and associated models, will arrive early in 2009.)
Two new A/V receivers and a new preamp-processor, all feature HDMI v1.3 connectivity and full
compatibility with the high-resolution audio formats Dolby® TrueHD and DTS HD™ Master, and the
forthcoming video enhancements Deep Color (enhanced color depth) and xvYCC (extended color gamut).
All three components incorporate onboard video processing, courtesy of technology leader Faroudja, that
delivers 1080p scaling with 24 Hz capability for reference-grade performance with both movie and video
programming. The receivers and pre-pro also boast unsurpassed multizone potential, with audio and video
pathways and control functions for second, third, and even fourth zones or remote rooms.
Informed audio fans expect Rotel to deliver world-class amplification, and the new 15 Series does not
disappoint. The top receiver and power amp models deliver a new generation of Rotel’s widely praised,
ultra-efficient class D amplifier topology, for accurate, dynamic, and musical high power that is also
astonishingly compact and lightweight. (It’s worth repeating that these are not “digital amplifiers,” but a
highly linear, superbly musical analog amplifying topology that utilizes efficient, “smart” switching powersupply
technology.) Meticulous craftsmanship and high end build-quality is evident with sleek new cabinet
styling available in a choice of matte black or brushed silver.
Home Theater Receivers
The flagship 7.1-channel RSX-1560, headlines with 7x100W of class D power (with assignable channels for
bi-amp or second-zone use), four HDMI v1.3 inputs, and 1080p/24Hz Faroudja video processing, with
assignable 12V triggers and RS-232C serial connectivity for easy integration into a customized system—all
in a 4U rack-mountable package. The second A/V receiver, the RSX-1550, is a 7.1-channel design with
5x100W of onboard class A/B power: its flexible power amp-assignability makes expansion via any of
Rotel’s new compact 2-channel or multichannel power amps a snap.
Surround Processor/Preamplifier
The RSP-1570 Surround Processor/Preamplifier marries the functionality of the RSX-1560 flagship receiver
to the unrestricted quality format of separate components, while retaining 4xHDMI v1.3, Faroudja
1080p/24HZ, and highly flexible multizone abilities—all in a 3U rackmount (4.5 inch) cabinet.
Leading the amplifier lineup is the RMB-1575, another stunning, compact Class D design: 5x250W into 8?
(or 5x500 watts 4?!) of rigorously rated power, in a 3U, rack-mountable format. Just as important, despite
its advanced design, the new amplifier yields sound that Rotel classifies as entirely audiophile grade. The
RMB-1565 power amp packages 5x100W of Class D power in a 2U cabinet just 3 inches tall, while a pair of
new 2-channel class D models, the 2x250W RB-1572 and the 2x100W RB-1562, both in the 2U (3 in.) formfactor,
are ideal for upgrading power or adding channels to 5.1 channel systems.
The big Rotel launch concludes with three new power amps targeted for “whole-house,” custom install
systems. The RMB-1512 features Rotel’s unparalleled, audiophile-quality class D expertise and offers no
fewer than twelve 100W channels in a single, 3U height (4.5 in.), rack-mountable cabinet. Installer-friendly
features include input busing, front-panel attenuation controls for each channel, buffered link outputs that
maintain signal integrity no matter how elaborate a system grows, and the inclusion of both heavy-duty 5-
way speaker outputs and screw-terminals for custom wiring. The elegant, 2-channel RB-1510 offers 2x65W
class D power, and all the features outlined above, in an ultra-slim, 1U rack-mountable case—perfect for
adding rooms, zones, or channels as a system expands. The RMB-1506 is a 6-channel amp that employs a
conventional power supply and Class A/B amplifier topology to deliver 6x60W from a 3U cabinet, making for
an affordable, audiophile-quality power source for rooms, zones, or even home theaters.
The new Rotel 15 Series components will become available throughout Q3 and Q4, 2008, at the following
manufacturer’s suggested prices:
RSX-1550 Home Theater Receiver (7.1-ch., 5x100W, HDMI v1.3, Faroudja 1080p/24 Hz)....$1999.00
RSX-1560 Home Theater Receiver (7.1-ch., 7x100W, HDMI v1.3, Faroudja 1080p/24 Hz)....$2599.00
RSP-1570 Home Theater Surround Pro/Pre (7.1-ch., HDMI v1.3, Faroudja 1080p/24 Hz) ....$2199.00
RMB-1565 - Five-Channel Home Theater Power Amp (5x100W Class D, 2U height) ...........$1299.00
RMB-1575 – Five -Channel Home Theater Power Amp (5x250W Class D, 3U height)..........$2799.00
RB-1562 - Two-Channel Home Theater Power Amp (2x100W Class D, 2U height).................$799.00
RB-1572 - Two-Channel Home Theater Power Amp (2x250W Class D, 2U height)...............$1299.00
RB-1510 – Two-Channel Installation Amplifier (2x65W Class D, 1U height) ...........................$499.00
RMB-1506 - Six-Channel Installation Amplifier (6x60W Class A/B, 3U height)........................$999.00
RMB-1512 - Twelve-Channel Installation Amplifier (12x100W Class D, 3U height)..............$2999.00
Rune - Online siden 1998
Meget Kunnskapsrik med egen hjemmekino
Innlegg: 402
Registrert: 4/3/2006
Bosted: Stockholm
Meget spennende, men utseende minner veeeldig om Krell Showcase, Krell KAV og Krell HTS.
Synes det er skuffende hvis de ikke har rommkorreksjon, savner det på Krellen min. Allikevel meget spennende.
Krell | Marantz | XTZ | Swans | Mirage | Pioneer | ViaBlue
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Jeg har alltid vært glad i Rotel og et av mine første produkter var RSP-960 Dolby Pro Logic prosessor. (kjøpt en gang midt på 90 tallet). De siste årene har jeg følt at de har falt litt etter på teknologi, men nå virker det som de prøver å catche noe opp. Men romkorreksjon burde det vært. Når det ikke sies noe om det i brosjyren antar jeg at det ikke er.
Må si at det frister å bytte ut de 2 effektforsterkerene jeg har fra rotel. Dette for jeg sliter med plassmangel og varme og der er jo digitale forsterkere geniale. 2 x 5 x 250 Watt virker meget spennende for meg. (men det blir ikke i år og neppe til neste år

Rune - Online siden 1998
SVS Inderoy
Innlegg: 338
Registrert: 3/20/2007
Bosted: Inderøy / Nord Trøndelag
En sak for multiromsfanatikere... 12*100watt
Yamaha-Doxa-Sherbourne-Cambridge Audio-Panasonic-PS3
Swans Diva 6.2f - Swans 1.1C - RS-52.
2 stykk SVS PC13 Ultra
2 stykk XTZ W12.16 + SVS EQ1
BetterCabels, Van den Hul og Monster
( harmen/kardon på avforum)