
Rotel RX 602

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4/3/2007 10:45:49 PM #1 av 3
Postet av: denatus

Idag er jeg fornøyd. Kjøpte inn en gammel kul forsterker. En Rotel RX 602, gode gammle saker. Litt støv i, eller i tipp topp stand for en liten hundrelapp.
Det er jo utrolig gøy med eldre saker. Tenkte å sette denne forsterkeren sammen med min B&W DM110, kunne vært artig vil jeg tro :)

Rotel RX 602
2x60W, 10-75.000 Hz, 10kg.

Hadde tidligere en RX 402 som jeg savner fælt. :cry:
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4/4/2007 5:24:34 AM #2 av 3
Postet av: boly
Utrolig kul sak.

Det står sikkert mye bra årgangs hifi rundt om kring, som det hadde vært kjekt å slå kloa i.
KINO: Klipsch, Onkyo, Epson, Denon, Sony, Panasonic, Grandview
SOVEROMSKINO: Philips, Epson, Denon, Kingpin
STEREO: Harman Kardon , CAV
TV: Cambridge, CAV, Samsung
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2/4/2009 5:25:05 PM #3 av 3
Postet av: arnomd
Min funker plettfritt idag, og har stått på kontinuerlig siden 1974.
De selges fremdeles for solide penger (over 2000 kroner), som her:

http://www.vintageaudio.com.au/tuner-re ... %20602.htm

Rotel RX 602

When it was released in 1974 this was Rotel’s top of the line receiver. It was another two years before they came up with the RX 802, the same year they released the RX 1603 the powerhouse that is basically off-the-chart.
Why mention later models than the 602; because the sound and quality that went into these later models was already happening back in 1974 with RX 602 and it was good enough to remain in production until 1979. Now you don't see that sort of product life today. Unlike the 1980’s (and Rotel came through that period better than most) the 70’s represented an upward momentum in sound quality and Hi-Fidelity.
Enough with the preamble.
The RX 602 is one of the great receivers from the 1970’s. The sound is clean and clear; fast moving, well defined, natural and rich. If you like the Sansui sound but would like a receiver not an amp and tuner then you will be very very happy with the Rotel’s RX 602.
Apart from the stellar sound quality the cosmetic design of the 602 is fantastic. With the resurgence in popularity of Danish inspired furniture design the 602 is possibly the best possible piece of equipment for matching with this style of furniture. And no compromise in sound quality. Style and substance!
Phono 1&2, Aux 1&2, Tape 1&2, FM, AM. Bass and Treble with split pots for adjusting each channel, Loudness, Hi Filter, Tone Defeat, Audio Muting (effectively allowing for finer volume adjustment, I love this feature and I am always disappointed if it is missing). FM muting, Mode (Mono Stereo). Speakers 1&2 and a 4 channel option. CD/DVD/Video can be run through any line in input, Tape or Aux.
This is a wonderful piece of audio equipment in superb condition. We currently have two units available both in excellent condition.
Price $540 AUD contact us by email
New Pictures Coming!
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