Kunnskapsrik med egen hjemmekino
Innlegg: 1598
Registrert: 5/1/2005
Bosted: Nordmøre
Har bestilt oss (meg og kjerringa) tur til hifi messa i berlin i år, er det flere som skal nedover?
Regner med det blir litt og sikle på der. Skal prøve og ta litt bilder og legge ut.
KINO: Klipsch, Onkyo, Epson, Denon, Sony, Panasonic, Grandview
SOVEROMSKINO: Philips, Epson, Denon, Kingpin
STEREO: Harman Kardon , CAV
TV: Cambridge, CAV, Samsung
Meget Kunnskapsrik
Innlegg: 2436
Registrert: 8/22/2004
Bosted: Bærum
Sjekk ut hva som rører seg av nye receivere med de nyeste lydformatene da, heldigrisen...
Denon AVR-4520, Effekt Thule og Sherbourn, Cambridge Azur 751BD, PS3, Dali Mentor 6, Mentor Vokal, IKON W2 surrond, SVS Pb10 + SB12-Plus, Sony HW55 3D Projektor + Samsung 63" Plasma.
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Jeg og Berit skal nedover. Gleder meg til å se årets nyheter.
Selve Berlin skal jeg innrømme er litt kjedelig. (fra i fjor)
Rune - Online siden 1998
Kunnskapsrik med egen hjemmekino
Innlegg: 1598
Registrert: 5/1/2005
Bosted: Nordmøre
"Rune" skrev:Jeg og Berit skal nedover. Gleder meg til å se årets nyheter.
Selve Berlin skal jeg innrømme er litt kjedelig. (fra i fjor)
Hvem vet, kansje vi sees... Vi var i Berlin under fotball- VM, mangla ikke på liv da hvertfall
KINO: Klipsch, Onkyo, Epson, Denon, Sony, Panasonic, Grandview
SOVEROMSKINO: Philips, Epson, Denon, Kingpin
STEREO: Harman Kardon , CAV
TV: Cambridge, CAV, Samsung
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Fikk en pressemelding i dag om IFA
IFA 2007 – Highlight of the year
for the consumer electronics sector
Strong participation by 1,170 exhibitors from 32 countries – Leading dealers’ cooperatives also present – New hall allocations in 2007
Berlin, 6 August 2007 – The second annual IFA has become more international than ever. Over six days the 1,170 exhibitors from 32 countries will be presenting a comprehensive display of consumer electronics products and services. The number of exhibitors will be significantly higher than in 2006 too.
Dr. Christian Göke, Chief Executive Officer of Messe Berlin GmbH: “For 2007 we have achieved an increase of some ten per cent in the rented area compared with 2006, thus improving even more on the record levels of the IFA 2005.” The entire Exhibition Grounds are being transformed into an outstanding display area for innovations, featuring all the major full range stockists, specialists in the photographic sector and suppliers of audio, hi fi and sat-nav equipment.
In 2007 the prominent exhibitors will include Astra, Beko, Canon, Daewoo, Epson, Deutsche Telekom AG, Fujitsu Siemens, Grundig, JVC, Hama, Harman International, Hitachi, LG, Loewe, Metz, Olympus, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba and Vestel. Maxfield and Trekstor will occupy an entire hall in the “My Media” section in the area immediately adjacent to the Funkturm (radio tower). The electronic media are also prominently represented with the national networks ARD and ZDF.
“The IFA therefore represents the entire spectrum of digital entertainment and consolidates its position as the leading international trade show for consumer electronics”, according to Hans-Joachim Kamp, Member of the Supervisory Board of Gesellschaft für Unterhaltungs- und Kommunikationselektronik (gfu) and Chairman of the Consumer Electronics Trade Association in the ZVEI. “The growth of the IFA also reflects the positive economic development throughout this entire sector, and during the current year it will provide the CE market with an additional impetus for growth.”
Kamp expects strong expansion during the 4th quarter, and forecasts by market researchers indicate that this will be some 8 per cent higher than in the same period last year. Much of this growth will be accounted for again by flat screens using LCD and plasma technology, digital cameras, sat-nav equipment and notebook computers. The lasting and positive development of the market is also attributable to the willingness on the part of consumers to spend more on up-market equipment, and this is also apparent in the continual rise in the average price of television sets and in the disproportionate growth in per-capita expenditure on consumer electronics.
Dealers are playing a decisive part in the positive development of the CE sector. The IFA 2007 itself makes an important contribution to strengthening the links between the industry and dealers: the leading dealers’ cooperatives have intensified their traditional partnerships with the IFA in order to ensure that the world’s leading trade show for consumer electronics serves the interests of dealers even more effectively. ElectronicPartner, EURONICS International, expert and telering will be providing European dealers with access to the entire range from the international CE sector at a single location. This means that specialist dealers can obtain highly qualified information about the CE sector, to meet the needs of their customers, as well as insights into the strategic sales promotion measures in different European countries.
“For the gfu as the organiser of the IFA this intensified collaboration with international dealers’ cooperatives is one of the cornerstones of this event. Together we are continuing to develop the IFA as a central event for the industry and an important place for taking and placing orders. Dealers are the real VIPs of the IFA”, is how Dr. Rainer Hecker, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of gfu, views the intensive partnership with the trade.
Introduction of new sections reflects the structures of the digital CE market
The various sections and the allocation of hall space have been re-organized to ensure that the Exhibition Grounds is even more clearly laid out in 2007. This provides a highly accurate reflection of the “positive” way in which the market is developing at present. These improvements in the layout have been agreed jointly by gfu, Messe Berlin and the industry. Jens Heithecker, Director of Messe Berlin: “We want to make it as easy as possible for visitors to find their way around. The sections devoted to the various product groups have been divided up in response to three questions: “What is the content? What equipment is required? What means are used to transmit it?” “IFA Audio Entertainment” is a new section this year, located in the halls immediately adjacent to the South Entrance.
Taking into account the importance and potential of Web 2.0-based applications the IFA is providing new presentation opportunities with product displays in the two sections “IFA My Media” and “IFA Public Media”. In the busy period immediately preceding the start of the IFA 2007 both areas are reporting good levels of bookings. The previous sections devoted to ”IFA Personal Computing & Games” and ”IFA Digital Imaging & Digital Music” are now incorporated within the “IFA My Media” area. All public access TV and radio services together with public music and video sectors are now being presented under one roof under the heading of “IFA Public Media”.
“IFA Television and Entertainment” has been renamed “IFA Home Entertainment” and continues to feature all the full-range stockists as well as the suppliers of TV, DVD and home entertainment. In the past “IFA SNC Satellite, Networks & Cable” and “IFA Personal Communication” formed two separate sections, and these have now been combined to create “IFA Communication”. “IFA Technology & Components“ incorporates technology companies and the International Halls. One of the main highlights here is the Science and Technology Forum (TWF), a separate technology trade show within the IFA, which will once again provide insights into the technological aspects of the electronic media of the future.
Main themes of audio and digital imaging
Attention at the IFA 2007 will focus on “IFA Audio Entertainment” to reflect the developments taking place in new digital audio formats and further improvements to sound quality. Located close to the main South Entrance, this section will offer an even wider range of innovations, large stages and many attractions for the public.
Digital Imaging will also be among the main themes of the IFA in 2007. Of course digital cameras are included in the product portfolios of most full-range stockists, whose displays for the trade, the media and the public at the IFA feature all these products. However, consumer electronics dealers and buyers also attend the IFA in order to learn more about digital imaging, and to place orders.
This increases the importance of the IFA for specialists
in the photographic industry too. In the new section entitled “IFA MyMedia“ the IFA provides a summary for consumers of how digital images and films can be recorded, transmitted, stored and edited.
Rune - Online siden 1998
Meget Kunnskapsrik
Innlegg: 1895
Registrert: 1/26/2005
Heldiggriser. Blir fornøyd hvis jeg kommer meg til hifi messen i Horten eller Trondheim.
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Gleder meg.
Ser i år at de også har lagt alle viktige pressemeldinger til dagen før messen starter. Da slipper man å stresse med det. I tilegg er det sikkert bedre når man har vært der før. Slipper å stresse for å finne frem.
Det kan virke som hjemmekino blir mindre utbredt i år, og omfanget av hifi er økt. Uansett sikkert mye fint å se på. (både på 4 runde ben og 2 lange)
Rune - Online siden 1998
Meget Kunnskapsrik
Innlegg: 2436
Registrert: 8/22/2004
Bosted: Bærum
Dette med større vekt på sterio i forhold til surrond er vistnok en ny trend i det europeiske markedet. Leste noe tilsvarende i "Hjemmekino".
Denon AVR-4520, Effekt Thule og Sherbourn, Cambridge Azur 751BD, PS3, Dali Mentor 6, Mentor Vokal, IKON W2 surrond, SVS Pb10 + SB12-Plus, Sony HW55 3D Projektor + Samsung 63" Plasma.
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Fikk et par nye mail fra IFA idag.
Pressemelding 1
Journey of discovery through the world of sound
IFA presents “IFA Audio Entertainment” with new levels of quality - Motor FM is acting as partner in this joint venture
Berlin, 7 August 2007 – The best images deserve the best sound too – which is why the IFA 2007 is also focusing in particular on the traditional and important section of “IFA Audio Entertainment”. In addition to numerous sound installations on the Exhibition Grounds and in Berlin, the subject of Audio will also be supplemented by panel discussions on all aspects and sound and how it is heard.
Audio in Berlin
A number of sound installations are being planned in Berlin to acquaint visitors more closely with the subject of listening during the IFA 2007 (31 August to 5 September). Placed at central locations, these “Soundscapes” will be producing some unusual noises and sounds such as horses’ hooves, rushing water and announcements in the underground, to attract attention and arouse interest. The “Soundscapes” will be augmented by information for passers by about these activities and showing the way to the IFA.
Sharpening one’s senses at the audio discussions
Various discussions will be taking place during the trade show, dealing with the subjects of Audio and Listening:
The Sound Makers. – 1 September, 12 midday, Hall 1.2
Berlin has acquired an international reputation for its music scene. Some of the main players will be on hand at the IFA to discuss the latest developments in this field. Tim Renner (Motor FM), Simone Hofmann (Fête de la Musique), Patrik Majer (producer of “Wir sind Helden“), Volker Heller (Director of the Cultural Department of the Berlin Senate) and Stephan Peus (General Manager Mikrofon Neumann) have been invited to speak. Acting as guide for this programme will be the RadioEins presenter Stefan Rupp.
What is the sound of Berlin? - September, 12 midday, Hall 1.2
It is obvious that each city has its own distinctive sound. That is why the participants in the event “What is the sound of Berlin” will be investigating this question.
Audio Technical Discussions – 2 to 4 September, 11 a.m. each day, Hall 1.2
In association with the magazine “Audio” a number of experts will be discussing various facets of hi fi and listening. The editor in chief of “Audio”, Joachim Pfeiffer, has agreed to chair the meetings.
The individual technical discussions will deal with the questions “Hi fi – is it worth it?”, “Are we listening correctly?”, “ MP3 & Co.” and “Hi fi and listening in East and West Germany“. In addition to the investment in up-market audio systems, the emphasis will also be on the ubiquitous audio format MP3 and the differences between listening in East and West Germany.
Audio in the media
The “Audio Profile” will endeavour to find out what Berlin sounds like. This Audio Profile can be downloaded from and then filled in. Celebrities and Berliners will be explaining what they like to hear most, and when. The findings will be compiled and extracts will be published on the website during the IFA.
As part of these Audio Profiles the IFA will be cooperating with the radio station 100.6 Motor FM, which will also be carrying out numerous accompanying activities with its listeners. The station will be presenting portraits of people whose voices are part of everyday life in Berlin, as well as conducting interviews with the people in Berlin’s clubs whose job is to create the right sound, and reporting on Berlin companies that specialise in high quality sound around the world. 100.6 Motor FM will be starting on 20 August with a daily programme on the subject of Audio at the IFA.
Pressemelding 2
From hi fi for the purists to
high definition surround
Outstanding sound quality is a regular feature of the IFA
Trends and innovations in the field of audio entertainment – The world’s most expensive sound system in comparison with the Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin
Berlin, 7 August 2007 – Music of the finest quality can be heard at the IFA: All the electronics needed to produce high quality sound can regularly be found there. The IFA section Audio Entertainment occupies a prominent place – in Halls 1.2., 2.2 and 3.2., right at the main entrance to the Messe Berlin grounds. It features all the top names in the world of sound, from the manufacturers of the latest hi fi and home cinema components to suppliers of equipment for mobile entertainment, and those manufacturers who produce real high end works of art in small quantities, thereby pushing the boundaries of what is feasible a little further each year.
A visit to the IFA 2007 is essential for all home cinema enthusiasts. This is where they will be able to see the new generation of AV receivers and amplifiers, which will be making their world debut, along with multi-channel sound of unparalleled clarity and dynamic. For the first time the new models can now decode the outstanding sound formats provided by media such as high definition Blu-ray discs and HD-DVDs. This is all made possible by the latest version of the digital interface HDMI, which enables super-sharp HD images to be accompanied by suitable sound from as many as eight channels – bit for bit this is identical with the sound of studio recordings.
While home cinema impresses with its diversity of channels and breathtaking performance data, among traditional hi fi equipment old-established stereo technology is enjoying a revival. Twin channel amplifiers for the purists, almost completely ignored by many manufacturers, are returning to the IFA 2007 in large numbers. Although CD players have been largely replaced by DVD playback units, they are now in demand again among the many new innovations. And there are very good reasons for this: the circuitry has been redesigned to improve the sound in order to extract the last ounce of quality from a CD collection.
Mobile players for digital music are part of one of the most important and growing trends in the entire consumer electronics sector, and they can be found in countless versions among the new items on offer at the IFA 2007: as tiny USB memory sticks than can fit in a pocket, as colourful, multi-purpose units which can also serve as video and photo players, and of course as multimedia mobile phones too, with a massive storage capacity to hold an MP3 music archive.
The entire hi-fi world has embraced this massive new trend: among the innovative new developments at the IFA 2007 virtually all the sound systems are provided with special sockets for these tiny players. In many cases even car radios are now being equipped to operate in conjunction with mobile players. Many of the new models have USB ports which can accept MP3 players. Some of the latest car radios can even be provided with a wireless link to an MP3 jukebox via Bluetooth.
The IFA 2007 also features some fascinating developments in the radio field. In addition to new audio formats for digital radio broadcasting, sound reproduction has been improved with multi-channel technology, and higher quality is now possible using reduced transmission bandwidths, a development that not only improves the sound but also helps to cut costs. For outstanding enjoyment there is also radio via satellite, another highlight of the IFA. The satellite platform Astra now beams hundreds of radio stations, including all the main German-language programmes, in uncompromising stereo quality. Concerts and radio plays are being heard increasingly in digital surround sound in the home too. This has already prompted a reaction among several hi fi manufacturers. At the IFA 2007 a number of hi fi radio receivers are making their debut which have been specially designed to pick up satellite signals.
A satellite radio receiver with high end ambitions is among the most spectacular exhibits at the IFA 2007: the “world’s most expensive music system”, an impressive combination of the very best and costliest high end components available on the world market. Traditionally a great attraction for the public, this year it can be compared with an appropriate challenger, the musical original. On 31 August 2007 the Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin under the direction of its chief conductor Marek Janowski will be giving a special concert, beginning at 4 p.m. in the exhibition hall at the Funkturm (radio tower). At the same time the “world’s most expensive sound system“ will be broadcasting the concert and demonstrating the perfection that only the finest systems can bring: presenting the full range of symphonic sounds, with all its dynamics, its comprehensive range of sounds and with such fine differentiation that it seems as if one could reach out and touch the instruments.
Rune - Online siden 1998
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Dagens pressemelding:
An A to Z of some more special shows at the IFA
European Mobile Media Association (EMMA)
In cooperation with EMMA, the IFA 2007 is presenting top of the range vehicles sporting mobile media, in-car entertainment and car audio products. Besides a technically complex stage show the event’s highlight will be the German Championship of the European Mobile Media Association, taking place live at the IFA. Hall 9
“The world’s most expensive audio system” (TADW)
At this year’s IFA the HiFi, surround sound and music magazine AUDIO will again be presenting the ”world’s most expensive audio system“. This high-end system has succeeded in becoming a big public attraction, and this time around in Hall 1.2 HiFi enthusiasts and home cinema fans can experience for themselves the sounds of the market’s most expensive audio system. The lounge of Motorpresse magazine will be offering an additional special attraction.
Hall 1.2
Plus X Award
The Hall of Fame of the Plus X Awards, presented by TV SPIELFILM, will be bringing prize-winning brands of all kinds closer to audiences in a display area covering 1,100m². The digital lifestyle channel GIGA will be broadcasting daily TV shows. With stars, a coffee bar, a TV chef and the best technology highlights of the year.
Hall 7.2c
VoIP World
This year marks the second occasion that a joint presentation showing VoIP products in companies and the home is taking place. VoIP World is a joint initiative of the leading VoIP portal and Messe Berlin. In a hall section covering more than 200 sqm exhibitors will be displaying all the latest IP-based communications products (voice, images and data) both for companies and the consumer. Exhibiting companies will present the latest telephone and PBX systems, cordless phones and software solutions for VoIP telephony.
Hall 4.2
A very special event awaits the visitor at the IFA 2007. Robert Wilson, the world-famous American artist will be performing a unique and impressive light & sound symphony with 100 Xounts in an area covering 300 sqm. Various room interior displays will accompany this highlight, integrating the cutting edge design, sounds and technological innovation that XOUNTS represents. Come and listen to something your ears won’t believe!
Hall 7.1b
Rune - Online siden 1998
Innlegg: 3900
Registrert: 12/18/2003
Bosted: Oslo
Og en fra torsdagen
Interactive, portable and personalised – the TWF presents the next generation of digital media
Infrastructures, technical solutions and ways to use new media – fascinating insights for experts and visitors to the IFA
Berlin, 9 August 2007 – Greater programme diversity, better image quality, more comfort – over the past ten years these have been the goals of network operators and programme services in their quest to digitalise traditional broadcasting. What lies ahead of this media technology revolution? The Science and Technology Forum (TWF) in Hall 5.3 will provide a wealth of answers not only of interest to trade visitors and media experts.
Over 20 internationally acclaimed universities, research facilities and project associations will be showing the future direction of the next generation of media technology. Programmes which up to now have run to fixed schedules will become interactive services, hitherto inactive viewers will become producers and creators of their own content, media services available to all will become personalised. All of this works not just in the living room, but on the move, using an array of portable pocket-size devices.
The TWF will present the broad direction that digital media will be taking by highlighting not only new forms of distribution and technical solutions, but by presenting some very practical examples of utilising media in the future. Thus, in addition to showing various types of programmes customised to viewers’ tastes, tomorrow’s television (using IPTV) will also provide personalised and specifically targeted advertising and can combine this with an electronic shopping cart that invites viewers to make purchases via remote control.
Tomorrow’s media will also enable users to personalise the news they receive. For example, subscribers will be able to compile a choice of sources which a provider will then supply automatically or as a call-up service. The novelty of this TWF highlight known as iNews is that the information layout automatically adapts to the device display, so that this medium is capable of working in all kinds of environments.
At the TWF, TV telephony will demonstrate how IPTV can combine media purchasing with voice and video communications. A window on the TV screen informs the viewer of a (video) call, who can then decide whether to accept it and interrupt a programme for the duration of the conversation with an automatic pause function. IPTV is also capable of combining separate types of broadcasting. Thus the TWF will show how programmes broadcast via terrestrial digital TV can be interactively enhanced with additional information from an internet server.
Those of us who think that interactivity means no more than clicking a screen menu should take a closer look at the TWF project called poTiVity, a solution specifically developed for mobile TV, where on-screen objects can be moved to access the next interactive information level – simply nudging them is enough.
Besides IPTV, user-generated content ranks among the most fascinating innovations that new media technology has to offer, the most prominent example being the successful internet portal YouTube. The TWF will present to demonstrate how home media productions can be combined with editorially generated content. Using, independent users can generate their own magazines for their local street, district or town.
Yet another TWF project focuses on distributing home-generated content in limited communities. An innovative combination of a business model and protection methods ensures that content can be passed on to other users who share a community platform.
All these new opportunities for using media content will result in a leap in the number of audio/video files on hard drives or other digital storage media. To keep everything well organised, in the future intelligent archiving systems will make sure that order is maintained. The TWF will demonstrate several examples: tools for analysing and classifying content will make searching for files and subjects childsplay.
Finally, the TWF will introduce a whole array of spectacular innovations enabling mobile access to media and information, among them portable satellite TV sets. DVB-SH broadcasting will give one of its first public demonstrations in Europe in Hall 5.3. A Korean research institute will present a fascinating innovation based on the mobile TV standard DMB. Scientists will demonstrate 3D viewing, elaborate visual effects and online gaming solutions – all on the small screens of mobile phones and pocket computers.
For more Information about the TWF exhibits, and to obtain an overview of topics in “Talk im TWF“, click on the IFA website at / Events & Conferences.
Rune - Online siden 1998
Meget Kunnskapsrik
Innlegg: 2436
Registrert: 8/22/2004
Bosted: Bærum
Kom over denne pdf filen: ... review.pdf
På side 13 er det reklame for epson sin nye 1080 PJ TW2000 med 50000:1 kontrast, 2xHDMI 1.3 og D7 C2 fine paneler. Noen burde kikke innom epson sin stand der borte i Berin.
Denon AVR-4520, Effekt Thule og Sherbourn, Cambridge Azur 751BD, PS3, Dali Mentor 6, Mentor Vokal, IKON W2 surrond, SVS Pb10 + SB12-Plus, Sony HW55 3D Projektor + Samsung 63" Plasma.
Kunnskapsrik med egen hjemmekino
Innlegg: 1598
Registrert: 5/1/2005
Bosted: Nordmøre
Da er det avmarsj til Berlin, kan vell ikke legge skjul på att dette blir stort
Skal få tatt mye bilder, som blir lagt ut om en liten uke.
KINO: Klipsch, Onkyo, Epson, Denon, Sony, Panasonic, Grandview
SOVEROMSKINO: Philips, Epson, Denon, Kingpin
STEREO: Harman Kardon , CAV
TV: Cambridge, CAV, Samsung
Meget Kunnskapsrik
Innlegg: 2436
Registrert: 8/22/2004
Bosted: Bærum
"boly" skrev:Da er det avmarsj til Berlin, kan vell ikke legge skjul på att dette blir stort
Skal få tatt mye bilder, som blir lagt ut om en liten uke.
God tur
Denon AVR-4520, Effekt Thule og Sherbourn, Cambridge Azur 751BD, PS3, Dali Mentor 6, Mentor Vokal, IKON W2 surrond, SVS Pb10 + SB12-Plus, Sony HW55 3D Projektor + Samsung 63" Plasma.